Here at the West View Connection Center, we strive to build relationships and provide resources and services to the people who live in the West View Community and the surrounding areas.

Our heart is to fulfill Jesus' command to "Love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself."


In addition to the following resources, we also host classes periodically that are open to the community. In the past, we have partnered with UT TSU Extension to host a series of food and nutrition classes.

We have partnered with Second Harvest Food Banks of East TN to provide food to those in need who live in our local community. Our Food Pantry is open on the first Wednesday of every month from 5:30-7pm. 

A FREE resource to provide mens, womens, and childrens clothing and shoes to those in need who live in our community. Our Clothing Pantry is open on the second Saturday of every month from 1-3pm.

We are so excited to be able to offer free, fresh produce to those in need who live in our local community. We have a free produce giveaway on the third Thursday of every month from 5:30-7pm. 

Our Little Free Library is located at the front of our property and is available at all times to the community.

Our Community Partners

West View Elementary School

Friends of Literacy - East TN

UT TSU Extension - Knox County

Second Harvest Food Bank of East TN